Friday, May 20, 2011

EFT tapping scripts and tap-along videos galore -- Tapping Insiders Club

One more post on EFT today.  I also just signed up for something from the people who did that tapping telesummit a few weeks ago.  They created a site that has a whole library of similar content -- tapping scripts, tap along videos, etc. created by various experts called the Tapping Insiders Club.  I signed up for 6 months full access for not much more than the cost of one of the sessions with my EFT coach.

I am thinking that if I diligently use these tools as a supplement to the work with my coach, I should be able to make a lot of progress quickly, and break some of the logjam I seem to have.  Of course the work with the coach is more specific and personalized, but my thought is that if I can clear out some of the more generic stuff myself then I might not need as many sessions with the coach in order to reach my goals.

I just signed up and am looking at the site now. They certainly have collected a ton of stuff.  Here are some of the ones I want to try for sure:
  • Using Tapping for Anger with Rick Wilkes
  • Is Anger Making You Fat with Ann Smith
  • Harnessing the Power of the Chakras with Margaret Lynch
  • Tapping to Conceive with Kathleen Milligan
  • Mother Abdonment Issues with Carna Zacharies-Miller
  • Healing Mother Issues with EFT with Annie Siegel
  • Releasing Disappointments and Regrets with Cathryn Taylor Tapping Script
  • Using EFT for Back Pain with Rick Wilkes
  • Improving Eyesight with Carol Look
  • Feeling Safe To Change with Carol Look
  • Improving Your Intimate Relationships with Ann Smith
Also they are putting up new content all the time.  Definitely plenty to keep me busy!  Now just need to make the time for it.

Unfortunately they don't have one specifically on fibroids though.  I just filled out a request form asking them to do one.  Since 40% of women have them, you would think it would be a topic of wide interest!


Secret Me said...


Did you ever come up with a fibroid script? I am just starting out with tapping and I really need to shrink multiple extremely large fibroids as soon as possible.

Your help would be appreciated!!


Fibroid Shrinker said...

No I didn't create a specific one for fibroids, sorry. Still on my TO DO list...