Wednesday, September 28, 2011

zyto update

2 weeks of updates here.

Last week, 6 items over 20.  48 Genito-urinary system was extremely high, probably because it was the first day of my period.  5-element yin weakness, Increase blood oxygen, oviducts, uterus, and thyroid peroxidase were also high.

Protocol was complicated
CoQ10 liposomal tincture
Standard Process Catalyn
Malic Acid
Unda 18 homeopathic
Ceylon Cinnamon
Therbiotic complete from Klaire labs
Wholemega oil
herbs from the acupuncturist

This week, only 4 over 20 but three were related to thyroid, and the top one was 71!  No wonder I had been feeling tired.  Seems like the thyroid is my real unsolved bugbear.

Prescription this week is:
Standard Process Congaplex
Standard Process Oculotrophin
Vitamin A
Unda 11 homeopathic
Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Dr. Clark Super W Blend
Yeastbiotic Organic S. Boulardii
Vitamineral Green
Kanchnar Guggulu from Banyan Botanicals
Iodoral 12.5

I'm making a lot of progress with the current set of stuff I am screening, and next week will switch sets to a combo of a digestive focused one and a fibroids focused one.  Should be interesting.

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