Friday, April 3, 2009

new ultrasound results -- some shrinkage!

Good news today. My gyn does an ultrasound monthly to check on my eggs, and it's usually hard to get her to focus on the fibroids other than saying "they are still there, they are pretty much the same." But today got her to do a thorough survey of them, first time have done that since my old gyn did one in 9/08. And I am happy to report that I have achieved some shrinkage (although one is growing)

The stats (in cm):
Type .................9/08.......... 4/09
Intramural ..........5.2........... 4
Intramural ..........2.8.......... 3.5
Submucosal ..........2.7 .........2.3
Posterior............. 3.2 ............3
The 5th one was in shadows today she could not see it to measure it, in 9/08 it was 3.5

I really needed this encouragement! It's nice to get good news, while at the same time want to keep working to make them go away!


Anonymous said...

Lovely news. Following your blog for long time. You deserve it after all your hard work!

You will certainly make me want to carry on

Fibroid Shrinker said...

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your good news with all of us who are fighting fibroids but want to give up...Been following your blog off and on. Just out of curiousity, do you dye your hair?

Fibroid Shrinker said...

thanks! Hope people will not give up.
No, have never dyed my hair...