Thursday, March 20, 2008

National Uterine Fibroids Foundation

It hadn't occured to me to look for it before, but I happened to run across the web page of the National Uterine Fibroids Foundation.

Four interesting things:

1. They have a whole section on research. I have not delved into yet, but looks like it could be good.
2. Another thing that never occured to me, evidently Meetup has meetings for people with fibroids in various cities. If there is not one in your area you can volunteer to organize one, or put your name down as wanting to join one if someone else decides to start it. Link for this is in the left margin of the page I linked to above.
3. They have a yahoo groups for uterine fibroids, I just signed up for this, which means I will get emails from this listserv.
4. They have an interesting section about writing letters to your doctor, with some samples. Once I get my fibroids linked I may write a letter to my old gyn who had no clue about fibroids, or about hormones for that matter.

So worth checking out!

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