Friday, February 1, 2008

Opening the Heart of the Womb

I was cleaning out a closet and found a meditation tape that an acupuncturist had recommended to me about 10 years ago -- long before my fibroid diagnosis. Called Opening the Heart of the Womb , it's a meditation originally designed for those who have experienced sexual trauma. At the time, I didn't really get why she had recommended it for me, as I have not been a victim of sexual trauma. So I just put it aside.

However, now I am thinking that she must have been on to something, perhaps she foresaw that I was going to have uterine issues? Because in listening to it I discovered that it does not deal directly with sexual trauma. Instead, it's a very gentle and relaxing meditaiton that concentrates on bringing healing energy (you visualize a white light) to your reproductive area. In other words, really perfect for fibroid shrinkers -- a meditation focused on making the uterus more healthy. I recommend giving it a try.

It's rather old and appears to be out of print, so it appears that only an audio cassette is available, unfortunately.

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