Sunday, December 29, 2019

In-depth fasting info, including water fasting

Just got notice about another free online summit coming up, this one all about fasting. I know that a lot of gals try water fasting to try to shrink fibroids (although I personally have not been brave enough to try it), and that is one of the topics included.

Starts at the end of January, details and registration here. When you register you get immediate access to talks on Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic Diet, Time-Restricted Eating & Circadian Rhythm, and Weight Loss and Fasting. plus an entire whole other summit, The Digestion Sessions by Sean Croxton with 20+ expert interviews and gut-healing cooking classes.

Personally I have been working on gut issues lately, and some of what I thought was my fibroids making my stomach stick out I think is actually intestinal issues. So this information looks like it will be really helpful for us gals with uterine fibroids.

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