Chinese herbs are Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang. This is to strengthen Spleen, clear Damp, transform Phlegm, extinguish Wind. My practitioner said that she thinks that my fibroids are a phlegm issue, not a blood statis issue. She says that this formula is a rather unusual one to use for fibroids. This page has more info about this formula. This page mentions its use in treating infertility.
- Thorne Silphos
, for liver
- Interfase Plus
and Vitalzym
for breaking up candida and fibroids
- Lugol's solution
, which is iodine, I will paint a 2x3 inch patch on my body every day. I have written about iodine in this blog previously, and Lugol's is often mentioned as a good treatment for fibroids, but this is the first time I'm trying it.
for my liver
- Gemmotherapy rosimarinus officinalis, homeopathic for the gallbladder
- Ultimate Omega
fish oil
- Thorne Methyl-Guard
-- B's for MTHFR people like me
for candida, heavy metals, and fibroids
- Hemagenics by Metagenics for healthy blood
- Glutamine
powder by Pure Encapsulations, one scoop a day to support my liver
- I will eat rice bran cereal
to get more Vitamin E
- Thorne glycine
for my liver, also is helpful for egg quality
- Fergon
iron supplement for my blood
- Futureplex ACHIV homeopathic flower essence remedy, for the endocrine system. Looking it up, it's for "For the relief of symptoms related to ravenous appetite, obesity, feelings of unfulfillment, and the need to recognize unresolved issues and transform them. For dealing with lethargy and sluggishness." I need to lose some weight, get some more energy, and clear up those unresolved issues that are driving my fibroids, so sounds good to me!
- Juice Plus Vineyard Blend - overall nutritional source
digestive enzymes
- Biotics Research aqueous chromium
- Biotics Research Bio-D mulsion
(vitamin D) - important for overall health, and fibroid fighting
- Calcium Orotate and Magnesium Orotate - for bones
- Beta Beet
(beet powder drink). See previous discussion in this blog, beet is a traditional natural remedy for fibroids
- I will use rosemary essential oil
, sprinking a few drops when I shower to inhale the scent with the steam. I also will mix with massage oil for massaging, e.g. when I massage my stomach.
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