Poking around on the internet, found this information about a new detoxifier that is gentler on your body than traditional chelation. And it works on heavy metals, candida and fibroids! It's called PCA Rx Peptide Clathrating Agent
I showed the ingredient list to my BioSet practitioner and she was impressed. For some reason I have a really good feeling about this. Have ordered it and will keep you posted.
i actually have an appt. on Thursday with a naturalist to get tested for heavy metal and she sells some chelation drops in her office. maybe i'll skip her drops if i found out i have these metal toxins and buy this. that way i can knock out two birds with one stone. thanks for this...
I went and read the article where you had the link, but didn't read anything about it helping fibroids..did I miss that part? I did see where it helps with a host of other things including the candida and heavy metals which you have listed. Regardless, even if it helps with those two things it's a winner!
Be careful of those chelation drops, they can be pretty harsh on your body.
Good luck!
To get to the fibroids information, click on the word fibroids in my post, it's a link to the page on their site with the fibroid example
oh thanks for the warning i didn't know chelation drops can be hard on your body..in what way? did u try them and didn't fare so well? i remember you mentioning your husband having metal toxins. did he try them with a bad effect? well after I saw the cost of the drops I doubt I'll be trying them anytime soon but if you try them let me know how it works out please.
As I understand it, chelation can be a big burden on your kidneys. So I've been using alternative means including chlorella, chlorophyll, and various homeopathics including one called HMD. My husband used the HMD for awhile. Currently we are using the mega vitamin approach from the Foresight people based on our hair analysis, lots and lots of vitamin C among other things (see prior post)
Yes these new drops are very pricey but since it promises to help with not one but three of my problems I thought it would be worth a try.
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