This blog is a chronicle of my quest to shrink my fibroids and enhance my fertility, and share what I have learned along the way. I wish I had known some of these things when I originally was diagnosed with fibroids years ago, so I hope others can learn from my experience. Some of my links are affiliate links that pay me a small commission on any purchases made.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
another strike against fibroid removal surgery
Adhesions caused by fibroid removal surgery are a cause of infertility. In other words, just taking out the fibroids doesn't guarantee that you are done with the problem
I've been reading your posts over the past several months. Thanks for sharing such good information! Have you tried significantly increasing your intake of cruciferous vegetables, since they are natural anti-estrogen? That's what I'm trying while cutting out meats. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks so much for reading and glad you are enjoying the information.
I do indeed eat a lot of cruciferous veggies, especially brussels sprouts which are a particular favorite esp. when roasted with olive oil.
As of December the IVF doctor told me that the fibroids were pretty much the same size as spring -- one seemed slightly bigger, a couple slightly smaller. Lately I have been focusing mainly on egg quality so have not done some of the more drastic things that could help shrinkage, also my Chinese herbs have been primarily focused on the egg quality too.
are you focusing more in egg quality because right now your eggs are a manageable size where even if you got pregnant more than likely you still have enough room for the baby?
also, what veggies are cruciferous? never heard of this before...
Unfortunately my fibroids are not down to manageable size, so I've decided to work with a gestational surrogate. So that's the reason for the focus on egg quality at the moment.
Cruciferous veggies are broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and broccoli. They can help sop up excess estrogen in the bloodstream, so are good foods for fibroid shrinkers.
I have been avoiding lots of sugar/bread/soy/gluten intakes. cut back on meat intake as well. Has anyone been able to shrink a fibroid 10cm or bigger? plz email me at maitaz@yahoo too. it's hard for me to check all the sites I have been on. so would you email to my address as well. I have read that blood typing is a big thing too on what we eat may help with our thyroid. thyroid function is so important because if that is out of wack...that can contribute to the estrogen problems thus...fibroids.
also I read up there are certain foods that have estrogen mimic in it! like garlic/tomatoes/apples/papayas....tthings I eat weekly.
can anyone confirm this and also what you think abuot the blood typing of foods to eat/not eat?
I am so confused with all the information out there.
So I am asking for those who was able to ShRINK thier fibroids to email me at
I just happened upon your sight..I too had fibroids. 13 to be exact and had a myomectomy in 2008. Honestly--it changed my life. I had an amazing surgeon. Took care of myself before and after surgery and have been living a pain free and much better life since...I even got pregnant last summer. Unfortunately i lost the baby around the 10th week or so...I'm convinced I will get pregnant again (i was 41 when I conceived). My only regret is that I did not have my myomectomy sooner. I too did not want an invasive surgery but with the right doctor and at the right has been a blessing. Admittedly before the surgery--I was sacred to death and kept putting it off--when I finally made the decision and scheduled I focused on getting my body ready, positive thinking and I knew it was going to be okay. A few months after surgery when I was in a spin class on the first day of my period I realized I finally had my life back and I also felt that I had opened up my uterus for the life that had been trying to find its way there.... I wish you the best of luck and if you want to email me personally let me know!
I'm glad to hear that the myomectomy worked so well for you. Sounds like the combo of the right time and the right surgeon and a positive attidude was really a good one for you.
About myomectomy... I think you need to look at fertility before and after myomectomy in evaluating the results of such procedures. Studies have shown increased fertility after removal of fibroids that distort the cavity of the uterus but not in fibroids that do not distort the cavity. I have just published an article about this at Paul Indman, M.D.
Thanks much for the link Dr. Indman, very informative as is the rest of the site. Particularly liked the page as I was given progesterone cream at one point in the past.
I've been reading your posts over the past several months. Thanks for sharing such good information! Have you tried significantly increasing your intake of cruciferous vegetables, since they are natural anti-estrogen? That's what I'm trying while cutting out meats. I'll let you know how it goes.
Also have your fibroid(s) been shrinking?
Thanks so much for reading and glad you are enjoying the information.
I do indeed eat a lot of cruciferous veggies, especially brussels sprouts which are a particular favorite esp. when roasted with olive oil.
As of December the IVF doctor told me that the fibroids were pretty much the same size as spring -- one seemed slightly bigger, a couple slightly smaller. Lately I have been focusing mainly on egg quality so have not done some of the more drastic things that could help shrinkage, also my Chinese herbs have been primarily focused on the egg quality too.
are you focusing more in egg quality because right now your eggs are a manageable size where even if you got pregnant more than likely you still have enough room for the baby?
also, what veggies are cruciferous? never heard of this before...
Unfortunately my fibroids are not down to manageable size, so I've decided to work with a gestational surrogate. So that's the reason for the focus on egg quality at the moment.
Cruciferous veggies are broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and broccoli. They can help sop up excess estrogen in the bloodstream, so are good foods for fibroid shrinkers.
I have been avoiding lots of sugar/bread/soy/gluten intakes. cut back on meat intake as well. Has anyone been able to shrink a fibroid 10cm or bigger? plz email me at maitaz@yahoo too. it's hard for me to check all the sites I have been on. so would you email to my address as well.
I have read that blood typing is a big thing too on what we eat may help with our thyroid. thyroid function is so important because if that is out of wack...that can contribute to the estrogen problems thus...fibroids.
also I read up there are certain foods that have estrogen mimic in it! like garlic/tomatoes/apples/papayas....tthings I eat weekly.
can anyone confirm this and also what you think abuot the blood typing of foods to eat/not eat?
I am so confused with all the information out there.
So I am asking for those who was able to ShRINK thier fibroids to email me at
thank you
I just happened upon your sight..I too had fibroids. 13 to be exact and had a myomectomy in 2008. Honestly--it changed my life. I had an amazing surgeon. Took care of myself before and after surgery and have been living a pain free and much better life since...I even got pregnant last summer. Unfortunately i lost the baby around the 10th week or so...I'm convinced I will get pregnant again (i was 41 when I conceived). My only regret is that I did not have my myomectomy sooner. I too did not want an invasive surgery but with the right doctor and at the right has been a blessing. Admittedly before the surgery--I was sacred to death and kept putting it off--when I finally made the decision and scheduled I focused on getting my body ready, positive thinking and I knew it was going to be okay. A few months after surgery when I was in a spin class on the first day of my period I realized I finally had my life back and I also felt that I had opened up my uterus for the life that had been trying to find its way there....
I wish you the best of luck and if you want to email me personally let me know!
I'm glad to hear that the myomectomy worked so well for you. Sounds like the combo of the right time and the right surgeon and a positive attidude was really a good one for you.
About myomectomy...
I think you need to look at fertility before and after myomectomy in evaluating the results of such procedures. Studies have shown increased fertility after removal of fibroids that distort the cavity of the uterus but not in fibroids that do not distort the cavity. I have just published an article about this at
Paul Indman, M.D.
Thanks much for the link Dr. Indman, very informative as is the rest of the site.
Particularly liked the page as I was given progesterone cream at one point in the past.
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