A friend just sent me a fascinating article about iodine, which says "a reasonable hypothesis is that...fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast cancer (and also uterine fibroids) are iodine deficiency disorders."
Similar information by the same author is available free online here. If you want the original article my friend sent, you can get it online for $1.50 here (when you get to the page, search for "iodine", the article is from January 2008.
The upshot is, eat more seaweed, which is a great soure of iodine!
Personally I have been wanting to do this, but am having trouble working it into my diet..plan to do more experimenting with seaweed recipes -- will report later!
a new friend, a 10 yr breast cancer survivor, believes that fibroid deficiency is prevalent and is at least partly to blame for lots of problems incl. fibroids. i've read the brownstein book about iodine. it's compelling though i'm not yet convinced. wondered if you've heard more about the iodine/fibroid connection? thanks for your site rochelle. lynn (from listserve land) earthsongwalker at yahoo dot com
Hi Lynn, good to hear from you. To be honest I haven't heard more about iodine other than what I have linked to here. I just googled "iodine fibroids" and found pretty much the same stuff as the article I linked to here.
Personally I have gotten tested for thyroid numerous times and it always comes up ok plus I eat a fair amount of seaweed, so I don't think iodine is the issue for me. Also I discussed with my acupuncturist and she says you have to be really really careful with iodine.
I know that this comment is really late, but just because your thyroid came up as normal in a blood test, it doesn't mean that it's operating normally because your thyroid gland is a complex system that goes through changes, and a blood test result one day could come up differently another day. Do a simple iodine test. You can google this for instructions on how to do it. You can take up to 50 mg of Iodoral without worrying about iodine overload.
Thanks so much, that is a really good point!
I did end up doing an iodine patch test recently and it showed deficiency, here's the post about it: http://shrinkingfibroids.blogspot.com/2010/02/iodine-patch-test.html
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