Tuesday, January 22, 2008

quinoa for fibroids, and a delicious slightly decadent recipe

One of the biggest challenges in the fibroid shrinking program has been coming up with recipes that avoid fibroid-aggravating foods (dairy, meat, gluten, refined sugards etc.) yet are not too time-consuming to make, have sufficient protein, and taste good. Especially pleasing my boyfriend's palate is a bit challenging.

One thing I have been cooking a lot of is quinoa. It cooks quickly and unlike most grains has complete protein. I also find it easy to digest. This is a nice page outlining quinoa's health benefits: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=142

I have seen a lot of information mentioning quinoa as a good choice for fibroid shrinkers. For example, it is high in lignans which seem to be helpful. http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/articles/06dec11studies02.html

The problem I find with quinoa is that it is not really that tasty. I find that it needs a pretty strong flavoring with it to make it palatable.

One way I have been eating it is to cook it up, then mix in a bunch of tomato paste. This makes it tasty, and tomato paste has a lot of lycopene which is also helpful for fibroids (will explore in another post). With a green vegetable on the side, it makes a nice quick meal.

Also here is the recipe that worked for my boyfriend. He had some blackberry chocolate sauce he had created, made from some wild blackberries we picked last summer. It contains chocolate and sugar which are not the best for fibroid shrinkers I admit, but also has a lot of blackberries which are good, so overall probably works out somewhat neutral.

I chopped up an apple and a pear and boiled for a few minutes in 3/4 cup water. I then added another 3/4 cup water, 3/4 cup white quinoa, and about a 1/3 cup of the chocolate blackberry sauce, and a generous dash of cinnamon (see yesterday's post). Brought to a boil, then reduced and simmered for about 10-15 minutes until all the liquid was absorbed. Put some more of the sauce on top and then served. Really delicious and passed the boyfriend test. I served this for breakfast but it could be a dessert too.

Would not recommend this for every day, but a nice treat that works in some good nutrition along with the dose of chocolate!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your fibroid site. I have a fibroid too - been biking daily, meditating, doing yoga and really working on my issues. I also wanted to say: I tried quinoa in my soup last night. Not bad! I have the same trouble but the soup thing isn't over powering! Might be worth a try!

Fibroid Shrinker said...

Glad you're enjoying the site. And good for you for all the things you have been doing!
Quinoa in soup, now that is an excellent idea I have not yet tried! I could use a new quinoa idea as have been feeling rather bored of it lately... Thanks!